Whine 'n' Cheese

A fifty something guy caught between earning a living in the corporate world and trying to live a personal life as a latent hippie.

Location: Toronto, Canada

Fiftysome male working in the corporate world to make a living but not a life. My interests in life are diverse from enjoying the city with it's music, theatre and range of characters to enjoying being in a canoe miles from nowhere in peace and quiet. My 14 year old son is the greatest blessing in my life even though he lives with his Mom he spends weekends with me and adds colour to my life.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Summer Memories

Well here we are back to work on the second day of the new year and it is raining, cold and damp. I either want warm sunshine with a patio and a pint or I want cold clear with with fresh snow so that I can throw myself down a hill. I hate this cold wet weather it's just not Canadian, west coast friends excused.

I thought when I put together this list of new years resolutions that the easiest and most enjoyable would be to commit to a PAD (Photo a Day). I am realizing that this may not be quite so enjoyable or doable this time of year when I go to work in darkness and return home in darkness. That makes it a little difficult to capture any outdoor shots, not that there is a whole lot I would want to capture up here in the city north of Toronto. Strip malls and residential subdivisions don't inspire me a lot. I will continue to use some of the shots I have saved from the summer until I can at least go out of weekends and capture something of interest. Today I have used a shot I had of a colourful front stoop taken just a few doors away from my former residence in the Beach.

In keeping with a commitment to uphold my resolutions I have been to the gym for the last couple of days and I am going again today in a few minutes. I want to ski but that doesn't seem to be on the agenda for a bit so instead I was looking around for something else to do. Blading is out and biking not going to happen soon either. I do enjoy ice skating but on an outdoor rink and with the rain which is happening today and has been happening for the last week that is out too.

Then I remembered a friend had taken me to a roller rink a couple of years ago. I thought they had all become as extinct as the dinosaurs but low and behold they do still exist. He took me to a place out in Mississauga where on several nights per week they cater to adults and where blades are also permitable. On the night that we went it was not very busy but I still enjoyed myself skating to some old music I might have roller skated to years ago. I had forgotten about that experience until I was going over the various exercise possibilities on New Years Day.

I will be looking into this further and if it is still in operation I may venture out one evening next week. So if anyone has committed to add or to begin to get a little more exercise this may be an idea worth pursuing. If you're not in the Toronto area there may be a roller rink hidden somewhere in your area too. Once I have the details I will pass them along.

Off to the gym now and I hope your resolutions are all still in tact on day two.


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