Whine 'n' Cheese

A fifty something guy caught between earning a living in the corporate world and trying to live a personal life as a latent hippie.

Location: Toronto, Canada

Fiftysome male working in the corporate world to make a living but not a life. My interests in life are diverse from enjoying the city with it's music, theatre and range of characters to enjoying being in a canoe miles from nowhere in peace and quiet. My 14 year old son is the greatest blessing in my life even though he lives with his Mom he spends weekends with me and adds colour to my life.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Here we go again!

Christmas is past and the New Year is just around the corner and I thought it was time I started a new blog. I enjoy exchanging ideas or just having the opportunity to vent a little and I think it is healthy to be ablt to do that. Especially when you live alone and don't really feel comfortable exchanging personal ideas with the folks in the corporate world.

New Years has always been the most important day of the year to me, a fresh page and a clean start. Well at least the idea is great the reality isn't always the same. No matter how much we wish that we could truely have a clean start it can never happen. All the same though it is a great feeling to look at the start of the new year as a chance to get back on track or a chance to change your course.

Unfortunately I had to drop in to the office today to fax away a couple of reports so that some people can get paid. The plants are not operating over the holiday week and there are only a few of the maintenance guys in to work on the machines during this break in the continuous cycle of production. It's a strange feeling to walk though the plants which are so quiet today when normally they are so loud that you can't have a conversation with another person in the manufacturing area. The guys doing the maintenance work all seemed in pretty good spirits and we shared a couple of laughs.

I think when I leave here today I will drag my sorry butt over to the gym for a while. I haven't been there in almost two weeks with all the social things going on just before the Christmas Break. I did nothing during the last couple of weeks but eat rich food, especially deserts which I never normally touch. So I think a added a couple of pounds of reserve fuel which I could do well to work off. I enjoy the sense of accomplishment when I work out. I know that it is good for the body, even my aging body, but the positive mental aspects are the real reason I go to the gym.

I used to be a runner until I was told that if I continued to run I could end up having to have a knee replacement operation. I missed getting out and going for a run and leaving all of the world behind. It is hard to explain to others that it feels wonderful to finish a run and be physically tired out but mentally at peace. I started to run not only to improve my health but to reduce my stress. The visits to the gym help but it's not the same. Much better than doing nothing mind you but not the same sense of leaving all the world behind.

Well as I started this post it was to say that I was returning to writing a bit because I found it a great way to express myself and New Years is a best time of year to embark on a new course.

I look forward to your feedback and comments if you are so inclined.

Have a Great Day and a Great Start to your New Year!


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