New Years Eve
We have about twelve hours until we usher in a new year. I personally feel that this is the best holiday of the year. Usually I have a chance to share a little festivities with some friends during the evening and toast the new year at midnight. That won't be the case this year following my move up here to the city north of Toronto. Even the one local pub I have found is closing at 6:00 p.m. this evening. I guess I will be toasting the new year on my own.
I'm not too upset by that though since what appeals to me about the new year itself is the whole aspect of a new clean start. Yes, yes I know that is not truly the case but it is an opportunity to reflect on the past year and if you feel that you would benefit from some changes commit to making those during the coming year. Hence the New Year's Resolutions:
Personally I haven't done too bad during the last year and I have seen some positive changes in my life , not including this move north. I would like to do a bit better at taking care of my health and I will resolve to visit the gym more often.
I have been know to have a drink now and again on some special occasion, those occasions have included Mondays, Tuesdays ... you get the picture, so I will resolve to limit my public consumption to weekends and a glass of wine at home during the weekdays. The spin off of that my be an improvement to my financial situation as well.
I am noted for my skills in procrastination but alas these are not truly of benefit to me so I will resolve to be more punctual in completing my tasks. I am great at preparing "To Do Lists" mind just very poor on the to-doing.
I have enjoyed photography since my university days during that time I also attended a part time course in photography at the N.S. College of Art. When I parted company from my ex she threw out all of my darkroom equipment and about ten thousand negatives. Since that time I have seldom taken pictures other than capturing outings with my son, even though I did purchase an inexpensive digital camera last year. So I will resolve to post a photo a day on this blog which in turn will encourage me to actually get off my butt and shoot more.
Also in the creative area I have a love for art and painting in particular. I used to frequent the AGO and I have frequently visited the McMichael gallery. Mind you the McMichael is about fifteen minutes away from me now and I haven't been there since moving up here but that's another matter. I have for many years wanted to try my own hand at painting. In fact during the last year I purchased most of the necessary materials for watercolour painting. They are still securely packaged in their original coverings but I resolve to actually open these packages and try my hand painting. See procrastination resolve above.
And finally I have enjoyed beginning this little blog and I resolve to continue to post daily or as frequently as I have an opportunity to do so.
So there you go off to a fresh start for a New Year and I encourage anyone who is so inclined to do the same. To be sure I will lift a glass of wine this evening to wish the old year farewell and to welcome the new. I wish you all a very Happy New Year. Cheers!
I'm not too upset by that though since what appeals to me about the new year itself is the whole aspect of a new clean start. Yes, yes I know that is not truly the case but it is an opportunity to reflect on the past year and if you feel that you would benefit from some changes commit to making those during the coming year. Hence the New Year's Resolutions:
Personally I haven't done too bad during the last year and I have seen some positive changes in my life , not including this move north. I would like to do a bit better at taking care of my health and I will resolve to visit the gym more often.
I have been know to have a drink now and again on some special occasion, those occasions have included Mondays, Tuesdays ... you get the picture, so I will resolve to limit my public consumption to weekends and a glass of wine at home during the weekdays. The spin off of that my be an improvement to my financial situation as well.
I am noted for my skills in procrastination but alas these are not truly of benefit to me so I will resolve to be more punctual in completing my tasks. I am great at preparing "To Do Lists" mind just very poor on the to-doing.
I have enjoyed photography since my university days during that time I also attended a part time course in photography at the N.S. College of Art. When I parted company from my ex she threw out all of my darkroom equipment and about ten thousand negatives. Since that time I have seldom taken pictures other than capturing outings with my son, even though I did purchase an inexpensive digital camera last year. So I will resolve to post a photo a day on this blog which in turn will encourage me to actually get off my butt and shoot more.
Also in the creative area I have a love for art and painting in particular. I used to frequent the AGO and I have frequently visited the McMichael gallery. Mind you the McMichael is about fifteen minutes away from me now and I haven't been there since moving up here but that's another matter. I have for many years wanted to try my own hand at painting. In fact during the last year I purchased most of the necessary materials for watercolour painting. They are still securely packaged in their original coverings but I resolve to actually open these packages and try my hand painting. See procrastination resolve above.
And finally I have enjoyed beginning this little blog and I resolve to continue to post daily or as frequently as I have an opportunity to do so.
So there you go off to a fresh start for a New Year and I encourage anyone who is so inclined to do the same. To be sure I will lift a glass of wine this evening to wish the old year farewell and to welcome the new. I wish you all a very Happy New Year. Cheers!
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